Monday, February 19, 2007

What do you stand for?

Summer 2005, I watched the expulsion of Gush Katif live on CNN. Crying and knowing that faithful Jews needed to go home to Israel. Thank G-d, my husband knew it too.

Look at the Gush Katif expuslsion- Disaster! It emboldened the terrorists to continue with their attacks, they kidnapped our soldiers. They are working together to kill us, to take our children, to push us to the sea!

Leaders today- the UN, EU, United States, and Israel- are cowards, all! Olmert has no credibility. Bush has no credibility.

Why are so many people sleeping? Is this boring to you? What do you stand for?

If you stand for nothing you will fall for anything.

Did you think the expulsion would be better for security? Did you think that you should stay out of it?

Don't think I'm all talk...

I made Aliyah to Israel, with my husband and sons, in July 2006. Shortly after our arrival, the war with Lebanon (part II) began. I think I was here for a week… We are so happy and not at all sorry that we made this move.

"Who ever is with G-d, stand with me!"

Come home.


Elaine said...

Another great post Shoshana !!

I loved where you said, "if you stand for nothing you will fall for anything" !! So true !!

This is a quote that I often quote myself !! It's so true !! People MUST decide where they stand, and then STAND !!!

How long before people see that ACTION is required NOW, or all will be lost !! HOW LONG BEFORE THEY WAKE-UP ???

Shoshana said...

Oy, Elaine, What can we do? People like us have to nag and nag until others decide to open their eyes.

Our generation grew up post war- and don't know how to stand up for anything but themselves. Looking out for #1, instead of looking up AT #1- HaShem...

Elaine- we've got to get others to think for themselves as mus as they do about themselves.

Elaine said...


Amen !!

Good quotes are a passion of mine, and you have just given me two good ones ....

"Looking out for #1, instead of looking up AT #1- HaShem..."


"we've got to get others to think for themselves as much as they do about themselves."

That's another of the reasons I enjoy your posts, I love the way you express your ideas !! May I quote you sometimes ??

Continue to speak the TRUTH, and keep the FAITH !!!

HaShem's blessings on all Israel,

Shoshana said...

If I have words emanating from me, it's only because The Creator put them in me. Feel free to quote me- may it only be for the good!!!!

b'emet v'emunah
