Tuesday, September 4, 2007

We all live - where?!

My response to We All Live in LA at KosherTorah.Com

No way- it matters where u live! it matters that i made aliyah and don't regret it. It matters that your body is in Jerusalem. I left LA, physically and mentally. The yetzer Harah makes you think that leaving LA mentally is enough, but it really, really isn't!!!!

Avodah Zarah is insidious, even here, in Eretz Hakadosh! Physically the work is changing, intellectually the world is changing, psychologically the word is changing!

No way. It matters. With all respect, it matters. The Jewish people must change, grow and learn Torah. We need to worry about Ahavat Yisrael, about shmirat halashon, about keeping Shabbat. IT matters.